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Patient Rights

Patient Rights

Patient Rights

Conditional Voluntary/Involuntary Hospitalization: When you are admitted, you will be asked to sign a Conditional Voluntary “CV” meaning you agree to be here. If you wish to leave, you must submit a “3-Day” form.  The hospital has three working days (excluding weekends/holidays) to discharge you or call for a court hearing (which occurs within five working days following the petition). If the hospital petitions for your commitment, you may be required to stay inpatient until a judge decides to commit or discharge you. If you have been involuntarily hospitalized under Section 12 (b) (meaning you have not signed a “CV”), at your request, the hospital is required to contact the Committee for Public Counsel Services and a lawyer will be assigned to meet with you.

Right to an Attorney/Emergency Hearing/Appealing Commitment: You have a right to an attorney. You may contact your own or ask staff to notify the Committee for Public Counsel Services. If you have been involuntarily hospitalized and you have reason to believe that the admission is the result of an abuse/misuse of the Section 12 (b) admission process, you/your attorney may request an emergency hearing. If the judge has ordered you to be involuntary committed to this hospital and you believe you should no longer be retained here, you have the right to appeal the commitment. If you would like to appeal or have questions about your legal status, you may contact a Human Rights Officer, or other legal advocate/attorney.

Visits, Telephone & Mail: You have the right to receive visitors daily in private, at reasonable times. You also have the right to reasonable access to a telephone to make and receive confidential calls, unless the call violates a criminal law or would unreasonably infringe on other persons’ use of the telephone. (See full patient rights forms for details on restrictions). You have the right to send/receive sealed, unopened, uncensored mail. Mail may be opened/ inspected in front of you, without being read by staff, for preventing contraband. You have the right to stationery/postage in reasonable amounts.

Personal Possessions and Searches & Valuables: You have the right to wear your own clothes and keep personal items, including certain toiletries, as safety permits. You have the right to individual storage space, and to keep/spend a small amount of money. You have the right to not have unreasonable searches of yourself/your possessions. Upon admission, a nurse will search all patients and belongings. The hospital is not responsible for valuables and personal property you keep on the unit that are not locked up. We advise keeping the amount of property you bring to a minimum. Extra property and valuables should be sent home.

Religion: You have the right to exercise your religious beliefs.

Psychological & Physical Environment: You have the right to a humane psychological and physical environment. You must be provided living quarters/accommodations for privacy/security in resting, sleeping, dressing, bathing, personal hygiene, reading/writing and toileting. This does not include the right to individual sleeping quarters.

Right to Treatment: You have the right to receive individualized treatment suited to your needs. It will be administered skillfully, safely and humanely with full respect for your dignity/personal integrity. Patients will be involved in decisions regarding their care. This includes appropriate assessment/management of pain and prompt emergency lifesaving medical treatment.

Unanticipated Outcomes: You and/or your family have the right to be informed of unanticipated outcomes of care.

Information About Your Illness and its Treatment:  You have the right to be told the nature of your illness, why the clinicians believe you need treatment and what alternative treatments are available. You have the right to be told the name/position of your physician and other staff responsible for you care and treatment.

Right to Consent and Refuse Treatment: You have the right to consent to or refuse psychiatric medication or other treatment except in an emergency, or when a court has appointed a guardian to give consent for you, or when a court has ordered a particular treatment. Before giving your consent to any treatment or research, you have the right to be informed of its purpose, risks, side effects and likely outcome, as well as alternative treatments available (including no treatment). You may change your mind and withdraw you consent at any time after giving it.

Access to Your Records: You have the right to see your own treatment records, under clinical supervision, and at your doctor’s clinical discretion.

Participation in Treatment Planning: You have the right to participate in planning/implementing your treatment.

Participation in Research:  You have the right to choose to participate as a research subject or in treatment examinations whose primary purpose is educational.  If you choose not to participate, your refusal will not affect your access to essential care.

Restraint and Seclusion: Every attempt is made to help you maintain self-control. Safety tools will be explained to improve our understanding of how to help you in crisis. You may be restrained or secluded only in an emergency, when there is an immediate and substantial danger to yourself/others. You may be secluded or restrained only for as long as is necessary to protect you or others from harm, and your condition must be carefully monitored during the restraint or seclusion episode. If restraint or seclusion is used, you will be given an opportunity to comment on its use and the circumstances leading up to it.

Patient Protection: You have the right to be protected from real or perceived abuse, neglect or exploitation from anyone including staff, students, volunteers, other patients, visitors or family members. All allegations, observations or suspected cases of any of these cases that occur in the hospital are explored and investigated in the hospital by the Human Rights Officer, with each department head of the staff involved, and in daily Department Head Meetings with the CEO.

Rules, Regulations and Laws Governing Your Treatment: You have the right to review a copy of the rules and regulations that relate to your care and treatment at this hospital. You may also have rights granted by other state or federal laws, and regulations.

Filing a Complaint: You have the right to file a complaint if you believe your care or treatment is inhumane, dangerous or illegal. A Human Rights Officer at this hospital can explain the process and help you file a complaint.

Access to Legal Advocacy Organizations: Upon admission and upon your request at any time, you must be provided with the name, address and telephone number of the Mental Health Legal Advisors Committee, Committee for Public Counsel Services, the Protection and Advocacy organization and any other organization which provides free legal assistance to psychiatric patients.  You must also be provided reasonable assistance in contacting attorneys or paralegals from these organizations, and you may meet with one of these attorneys or paralegals if they visit the hospital.

Call HRI Hospital at 617-731-3200 to schedule an appointment. We are available 24/7 to discuss treatment and insurance options.